How to start sybase database on Linux

This article explains how to start sybase database on Linux machine.

1. Go install directory(RUN FILEs files directory). In my case, /opt/sap/ASE-16_0/install is the RUN files path.

2. Install directory contains the RUN files as shown below.

How to start sybase database on Linux

3. But, before going to start we have to set environment by running following command from the path /opt/sap/(dot space dot and /

. ./

4. Now, switch to install directory. In my case /opt/sap/ASE-16_0/install is the RUN files path and run the following command in Linux.

startserver -f RUN_SYBASE

5. To start BACKUP server, run the following command from same directory.

startserver -f RUN_SYBASE_BS

6. To check the status run “showserver” or ps -eaf | grep data from the linux shell.