How to check Sybase server is running or not

In this article, we will see how to check Sybase server is running or not. We can find out Sybase server is running or not from host(Linux).

1. Check the Sybase server by using showserver.

It gives status of data server and backup server status.



root@mongodb1:/opt/sap/ASE-16_0/install# showserver F S UID PID PPID C PRI NI ADDR SZ WCHAN STIME TTY TIME CMD 4 S root 9160 9159 0 80 0 - 217209 futex_ 18:22 ? 00:01:02 /opt/sap/ASE-16_0/bin/dataserver -d/opt/sap/data/master.dat -e/opt/sap/ASE-16_0/install/MONGODB1.log -c/opt/sap/ASE-16_0/MONGODB1.cfg -M/opt/sap/ASE-16_0 -N/opt/sap/ASE-16_0/sysam/ -i/opt/sap -sMONGODB1 0 S root 9243 9242 0 80 0 - 3023 poll_s 18:22 pts/1 00:00:00 /opt/sap/ASE-16_0/bin/backupserver -e/opt/sap/ASE-16_0/install/MONGODB1_BS.log -N25 -C20 -I/opt/sap/interfaces -M/opt/sap/ASE-16_0/bin/sybmultbuf -SMONGODB1_BS

2. Check the Sybase server by using ps command.

To check Sybase data server status by using ps command.

ps -eaf | grep data

To check Sybase backup server status by using ps command.

ps -eaf | grep backup

To check Sybase data and backup server status by using ps command.

ps -eaf | grep ASE

How to check Sybase server is running or not